Sayin' Hello
👋 I’m @stanislav-kukucka or in other words Stanislav Kukucka for short, call me Stan. 👀 From marketing I’m up to SEO and PPC. I'm a big fan of various crawling techniques and data processing. From DEV stuff I focus on static pages - CDN deployment. ✏️ If you like to read some long-form tutorials feel free to
Check my blog hereOpen to Collaborate
💞️ I’m open to working with motivated folks or teams on courageous & fluffy digital products that are like munchies to certain markets. To know markets, travelling is a good starting point. You can check my old private Instagram profile filled with travel memories from abroad (mostly Asia). 🐢 It’s ok for me if your idea is little light. 📫 How to reach me? You can find me on this
Linkedin ProfileInterests and Work in 2023
🌱 I’m currently learning Python programming language, working with various deployment services like Netlify, Vercel and Cloudflare Pages. 📄 You can find my actual Github profile here. It’s filled with repositories I have been working on (but some of them are private). 💻 As online marketer and product design guy I have been involved in design processes that resulted in this
Product Portfolio 2021Leave a short message
📄 This message board is not an official newsletter subscription, but probably soon will be. If you are interested to stay in touch or have some project to share with, feel free to drop me a brief message.
Working on as well
🙌 I’m currently writing in Slovak for an Online Marketing Agency - iFocus. Check the latest blog posts here.